There is still time to sign up for the The Great Basin Youth and Family Triathlon, a race designed especially for young people, families, novice adults and seniors looking to participate in an introductory-level triathlon. Kids, teens, mom, dad, gram, gramps, and friends all have an opportunity to experience the fun of triathlon with this event.
Monday, September 3, 2012-The Park Center in Murray
7-10 years: 75 yard swim, 2.3 mile bike, .6 mile run
11+ years: 150 yard swim, 4.3 mile bike, 1 mile run (adults, seniors, race older children’s distances)
Age-groups in 5-year increments after 18
Relays include, youth only, adult only, mixed age-group, and family
Medals for all finishers
Pool swim starts are staggered approximately every 5 seconds
Timing by Runners Card
Participants receive splits and overall time following race
Helmets required! No racing without a helmet.
Race begins promptly at 8:00 AM (Allow yourself ample transition setup time.)
Race day check-in begins at 6:45 AM
Register Online at
Packet Pick up Sunday from 6-8 PM and Monday AM from 6-7:30 AM – Pavilion #5 or the Transition area between the pavilion and Woody’s.
Awards for top three in each age group; awards begin approximately one-half hour after last finisher. If you do not stay, winners can pick up awards at the Murray City Recreation Office the following week. Awards will not be mailed.
$38 Individual
$42 Two Person Relay
$52 Three Person Relay
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