ACE Recycling & Disposal: Proudly serving you for over 44 years.

Date:            Saturday, July 4, 2015
Time:            8:00 am      5K
9:00 am      Kids Race Ages 4-9 (All kids get a medal and t-shirt)
Start Line:     Entrance to Murray Park on State Street
Entry Fee:    $20 Early Registration until June 19                                        
$25 Registration from June 20-26
$18 If a USAT&F member by June 19
$10 Kids Race (must be registered by June 26) No day of race registrations
Race Registration deadline is Friday, June 26, 2015  NO EXCEPTIONS!
                    There will be no late or day of registrations taken.

Sign up:        Murray Parks and Recreation Office or mail race form to
Murray Parks and Recreation
296 East Murray Park Avenue
Murray UT 84107
You can register ONLINE (you must call your pin number and bar code if
you have never registered before for any Murray Parks and Recreation Programs)
Office Number is 801-264-2614
Awards:        1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards are given to the top 3 finishers
in each age division in both male and female divisions.
Prize Money:  Road Racing Circuit-Top 3 open Males and Females receive cash prizes
1st place $100, 2nd place $75, 3rd Place $50.  Top 3 Master (40 & over)
receive cash prizes 1st place $100, 2nd place $75, 3rd Place $50.


Source: Murray City, Utah Fun Days