ACE Recycling & Disposal: Proudly serving you for over 44 years.

Alpine Ewaste and Paper Shred Event

We were so excited to see residents of Alpine City at the eWaste and paper shred event! We collected an especially large amount of eWaste! Thanks to all who safely socially distanced while we collected the waste!

Celebrating Utah Climate Week – Day Four

I hope you have learned more about us throughout #UtahClimateWeek! Waste hauling has an environmental impact, but we continue to invest in technology that will help us reduce it. On this last day, we wanted to share the most exciting change we have made: we are purchasing Renewable Natural Gas instead of regular natural gas (which […]

Celebrating Utah Climate Week – Day Three

It’s the second to last day of #UtahClimateWeek! We wanted to do things right when we switched headquarters by xeriscaping our yard, adopting geothermal heating and cooling, and adding solar panels. ACE Recycling & Disposal has nearly 25,000 square feet of xeriscaped landscaping at their headquarters in West Valley City. On average, xeriscaping uses 60% […]

Celebrating Utah Climate Week – Day Two

Relocating creates the perfect opportunity to adopt environmentally friendly technology. When we made our big move to our current headquarters, we decided to invest in a geothermal heating and cooling system in order to reduce our environmental impact. #UtahClimateWeek In September of 2009 ACE Recycling & Disposal constructed a new facility to house its growing […]

Celebrating Utah Climate Week – Day One

In honor of Utah Climate Week, we will sharing the changes we have adopted throughout the years to make a positive impact on our environment. Join us every day this week to learn a bit more of what we have been doing! #UtahClimateWeek So what does it take to invest in a large scale solar […]

Eagle Mountain Flu Shot Clinic

The drive up flu shot clinic is open to individuals ages 60+ and those with a spouse 60+. Details Date: Sept. 30Time:10:00 am – 12:00 pm Venue Senior Center1680 E. Heritage DriveEagle Mountain, UT 84005 United States Source:

Midvale eWaste Event

We are so happy the the eWaste and paper shred event at Midvale was a booming success. Thank you Midvale residents for joining us. We sure appreciate residents safely social distancing as we collected the waste! #acedisposal

Virtual Hiring Event Starting This Week!

ACE Recycling & Disposal is having a virtual hiring event!HOW IT WORKS: Send an application through Facebook for any of our positions. (See links below).We will set up appointment with qualified candidates to speak to the ACE HR Hiring Manager between the week of September 14 – September 18, 2020. POSITIONS:Transfer Trailer Driver: Equipment Operator: […]