ACE Recycling & Disposal: Proudly serving you for over 44 years.

Request New Services – Bountiful City

ACE Disposal provides garbage collection and recycling services for Bountiful City, Utah. For information on acceptable recycling standards for Bountiful City, please visit their recycling information office website. Download Now If you are looking for the Bountiful City recycling and garbage collection days, please download now. The calendar is subject to change on holidays depending on landfill closures. […]

Bountiful, Utah Freedom’s Light Festival

A Celebration of the Constitution Bountiful Park 400 North 200 West Bountiful Thursday, Sept 14~ 9:00am to 3:00pm   All booths and events open! 5:00pm to 8:00pm   All booths and events open! 7:00pm to 7:45pm   The musical – Give Me Liberty! 8:00pm to 8:45pm   George Washington by Gary Dozler with granddaughter Nellie. Friday, Sept 15~ 9:00am to 3:00pm  All booths and events open! 5:00pm to 8:00pm  All booths and events open! 7:00pm to […]

Bountiful Food Collection

Each weekend the Bountiful Food Pantry sends Pantry Packs home with over 400 elementary school kids in Davis County that are at risk of going hungry without school provided meals.Donations will be collected Thursday, Jan. 22 from 4-6 pm at City Hall. Items needed include: Instant meals, eg, Mac&Cheese, Chef Boyardee, oatmeal; juice boxes; applesauce […]

Compactors and Balers for Bountiful, Utah

Our Bountiful, Utah customers use our compactors to help to compress waste volumes reducing waste disposal costs and saving Bountiful business owners time and space. ACE Disposal Trash Compactors come in a variety of different sizes and styles.  With the help of a trash compactor, your Bountiful business  can go longer without having trash hauled. It will also eliminate overflowing dumpsters […]

Bountiful City Green Week November 24-29

If you have questions or problems about your recycling being picked up please call ACE Recycling & Disposal at 801-363-9995 To have an additional recycling can delivered or picked up please call Utilities at 801-298-6100 or the Sanitation Dept. at 801-298-6175 November 24 – 29 GREEN WEEK – Garbage/recycling will NOT be picked up on Thanksgiving Day.  Thursday and Friday routes […]

Caring for your ACE Disposal Dumpster

Not many people realize what goes into preparing a dumpster before it is sent out to a business to be used. Below are a few examples of the steps we take to ensure that our customers get a good quality dumpster for their business. When a customer calls in because their dumpster is damaged, vandalized […]